Sunday, July 31, 2011
"Three Stooges" --- Sold
Saturday, July 30, 2011
"Cast Drawing"
Thursday, July 28, 2011
"Veggie Stir Fry"
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
"Two Engineers and an Artist" --- Sold
After being full time in art for a month. I have been called back by my engineering company for an emergency. I will work here for a week. I may not paint much at this time. Sitting at my cube and turning on my old computer, I felt really odd. It seems I came back from the future by a time machine. For engineering, I entered this field so naively. I thought I could build a career here. I thought I would create something to make the world a better place. So I have invested so many years of my life getting educated to the highest level, and I have been a very good engineer. However after many years of hard work, I have learned. I feel disappointed about the corporation culture. I am wondering how many people in industries are really interested in making the world a better place. It is so ironic. Now I feel more that the world was used to be a better place. Looking at the people around me, busy and “working”. I better not disturb “the sound of silence”.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
"Wheel of Dharma" --- Sold

Friday, July 22, 2011
"One and Many" --- Sold
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
"Three Friends" --- Sold
Monday, July 18, 2011
"Stand By" --- Sold
Sunday, July 17, 2011
"Demo together with Richard Schmid"
I did this one.
On the fourth day of the workshop, The master painter Richard Schmid came. We demoed together in front of quite a crowd. Richard brought many pots of lilies with vibrant yellow and oranges and made a very magnificent and elaborate floral still life setup. I have never painted in front of such complicated setup, but I had no way out. Richard is such a wonderful teacher. I have learned a lot. He made everybody laugh with jokes. He has asked me if I have any Chinese jokes to tell. I was so nervous to say anything. Any way I think I did OK. When we began the demo, Richard had challenged me on who could finish the painting faster. I won that competition easily. I did a much smaller painting.
Friday, July 15, 2011
"Demo at Putney 2" --- Sold
The second demo I did at Putney is here. There are many apple trees outside the studio. They were still small and green, but they were good to paint. So I got some leaves with small apples and set up my second demo. I also used lighter background to make this painting a high key one. Recently, I did more high key paintings like this one, but to be honest with you, I still like the low key painting better, because I can have the center of focus in light to create a glowing spot. However for a high key painting, the center of focus is usually has darker value than the background, so it will not as shining as its low key counterpart. However, the beauty of the high key painting is the color opportunities in shadows. I can see that I am not there yet, because I still use relatively dull colors in my casting shadows. Similarly in your painting practice, you should congratulate to yourself if you see problems in your painting, because you have caught the problem, it is no longer hiding, so you are half way to success already.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
"Demo at Putney 1"
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
"Captain's Roses" --- Sold

I am at the airport waiting for my flight going back to Austin. Recalling those days in Putney Vermont. Everything was so phenomenal. My today’s painting is another small one I did before my workshop started. Those roses were from Captain John’s garden. It is a different specie of rose I haven’t ever had before. I was stunned by its beauty. I used to get roses to paint from Walmart you know. Just like these roses, Vermont is very different from other part of the united states. When I was driving on Interstate 91, I did not see any advertising billboards. I heard there are no Walmart, Home Depot, and many other major chained stores in Vermont. In Putney, I saw bicycles you can get for a free ride and drop them at different locations after your trip. People go to those non-profit Co-ops to get their everyday stuff. Even they have their local currency. I saw beautiful farms and lovely gardens. People are so down to earth no matter they are rich or poor. I met a barefooted musician who plays beautiful jazz at the local farmers market. He used to be a medical doctor and now full time in music. I saw art all over the place. At the Putney community supper, I met people in this village given puppet shows and circus. With rustic red burns and old houses, Vermont is such a unique place.