Today I have reached the milestone:
100 posts on my blog. Since I started this blog in January, I have received enormous amount of help and support. At this moment, I want to express my sincere appreciation to my collectors for your patronage. I want to thank my artist friends who have commented on my paintings. I didn’t get a chance to response to you all, but your messages were well received. I feel really great to have this opportunity on-line to share my art with you, and sincerely hope that my effort can bring you happiness.
Congratulations on your 100th post,Qiang! I have enjoyed them all and am looking forward to many many more.
Your friend, Deano
Yes, congratulations! I hope this blog has brought YOU as much joy as it has to us!
I've enjoyed all your paintings. Keep them coming.
Congrats on 100 and hopes for many more. Thank you for being a daily inspiration.
beautiful work!
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