This is another
plein air I did at the Fort Worth Botanical Garden. Last Friday evening, I was traveling from Austin to Fort Worth. The traffic was horrible. Bumper to bumper, I was in traffic jams constantly. It took me more than five hours to travel 150 miles. When I was crawling on the high way, I thought about my career as an artist. It has been a rather difficult
journey. I ran into limitations all the time. I wish I could paint more, I wish I could study with Richard
Schmid and several other high caliper artists. I try to use every minutes I have, and I am in fatigue all the time. The
frustration is exactly like the traffic I am in. My car can go 70 m/h easily, but I can only go 20 m/h now. I guess that is life. I should be content that I am still moving, because I am already very very lucky comparing with many others.