It is the last day of the month today. This month, I didn’t finish my quota for my on-line galleries. Officially, I am not a daily painter any more. I told myself last night: Qiang, you must paint something right now. So I did. Was it good? I don’t know, but I learned something: Never ever use a clay board for oil painting. I am short in supplies now. Out of desperation, I found some panels I bought who know when. I did this 6”x6” with it. Oh! My goodness, this board was unbelievably absorptive. I literally poured a puddle of linseed oil on the surface, and it disappeared in seconds. Every brush I putted on turned into a dry mark, no matter how juicy my paint was. All my darks lost the darkness very quickly. I lost completely the smoothness of oil painting. Usually my paintings are dry to touch in several days. For this one, it is dry to touch in minutes. I used retouch varnish trying to bring the fresh look back, but it last only a couple of minutes. Oh boy. It was a real struggle….. My life is still in a mess right now, but I remind myself again: Just do it and Never give up.
I am going to Alabama tomorrow. I will let you know how the workshop goes later.