I did this painting to commemorate my failure of entering the International Salon Show this year. This is the 4th time that the Greenhouse gallery rejects my work to be shown in their gallery. I used to think their rejection indicating my art is not good enough, but not this time, because this data point is so inconsistent with the performance of my art in other galleries and art communities, but so consistent with their decisions. This gallery does not like my work for sure. That is their opinion, but I should not use it to judge the quality of my work anymore. My brushes have been washed, but it is not because I am pity myself and quit painting. I am prepared to enter the larger world. I would rather be a wild flower, enjoying the sun and rain in nature, than a special orchid living in a greenhouse (no offence to my fellow artists who are in the show. I congratulate you whole heartily to your achievement).
You are the second one that I know and respect that had paintings turned down for that show.
Hey, I like your work a lot if that means anything to you. This one is nice and loose. Excellent!
Don't let this slow you down or make you question your work.
Your paintings are beautiful. This will be their loss. You are already on your way to great success.
You are a WONDERFUL artist, and I agree with Marilyn - not including your paintings in their show is their loss. I thought your analogy of the wild flower versus the orchid was excellent! Keep up the great work and a positive attitude!
Its difficult to take rejection but this will lead you in the correct direction... perhaps your trying to go down the wrong road.
I enter shows and sometimes I recieve declines but I don't allow it to decide what I think about my work. I just learn which shows appreciate my style and which ones do not. Your painting with the red is fabulous!
Good things come to those would wait. (and I daresay persevere as you do!) There are better galleries and better shows for you Qiang! keep those brushes WET!
By all means, please continue to work YOUR way and not let this gallery interfere with your goals. I share your disappointment but your work is far superior to others represented by these Texas "folks".
I feel your pain, Qiang. But maybe there is a lesson here about new directions. Put that gallery out of your mind, for now. They are missing out, not you. Your destiny must be elsewhere! Paint Happy! Your work is wonderful!
Qiang, that is the right attidute to have. It is always hard to get turned down ,but you should never let rejection make you doubt the quality of your work. There is no accounting for taste, and you just have to move on to bigger and better things. This is a very beautiful painting, which you have painted to commemorate an apparent failure, but the fact that you will more than likely SELL this painting within a few days will mean that you have still managed turned a seeming failure into a SUCCESS. Your still the winner. All the best. Neil
Bummer about not getting into the show. At least a positive of it is a beautiful painting. I love how the saturated red leads your eye into the composition.
Really. One can never assess the value of one's work by the acceptance or not into a juried show. I'd say you are well on your way as an accomplished and respected artist.
Quaing, YOU ROCK!
"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplacable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the hero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach. The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." - Ayn Rand
This quote means so much to me and I would think many another artist. I have appreciated your work from the first time I came across it. I always enjoy your interpretation and rendering of a subject.
"Create for yourself first, surely then will an audience close to your heart be found." - Gordon van Vliet
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