Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Painter's Guide App on iPhone


We have been developing computer apps for helping artists to paint better. So far I have used my website as a carrier so artists can use the apps for free. Since we designed the apps mainly for computer and iPad users, these tools do not display well on phones. Recently, I spent some time redesigned the user interface of the "Painter's Guide" app so it looks well on iPhones. If you are a plein air painter, you may simply snap a photo of the scene, and view the color data immediately with the app on your phone. Please follow the simple instructions shown with above images to use this app. I hope this simple tool can help you to clarify the colors you see. Painting practice shouldn't be confusing and ambiguous any more.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

SAS Demo 2


Demo 2 at SAS was emphasized on value. The chromatic effects got minimized. If you can manage the value right, you are not far from successful. You know I have spent massive amount of time doing color research, but I know that is all icing on the cake. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

SAS Demo 1


I have taught a workshop at Scottsdale Artists School about a week ago. Thanks to all the artists coming from all over for attending my class. I have tried my best and will keep on trying to make my teaching more effective. I hope your art have been improved since the workshop. Because I believe the fare way to evaluate if a teacher is doing the job right is the progress of the students' paintings. I hope my work satisfies your requirement.