Calvin Liang's first workshop ended yesterday. It was very successful. The weather was great, the sites was beautiful, and everybody were happy. Today is our only break. The second workshop will start tomorrow morning. I have been very busy this two weeks. I went out early in the morning, set up road signs to make sure workshop artists can find the painting location. After everybody showed up and Calvin started to demo, I turned around and went to work. In the evenings, Calvin and I went different places to eat and chat. We had a lot of fun. Oh! I did got chance to paint. This one I did last Thursday. I have learned a lot from the master.
Recently I have spent a lot time trying to fix my computer problems. I got the newest MacBook Air computer. It is NICE. Now I am in the transition between PC and Mac. There is big learning curve I will go through. I have tried so many ways to generate my painting newsletter. I sincerely apologize that I have shown so many problems on my newsletters lately. I hope I am getting better now. If you see problems and issues, please let me know. It will help everybody. Thanks.