I have just completed a workshop at Round Rock, TX. I want thank Denise Larue Mahlke and the Art Center at Williamson County for making this workshop possible. I saw quite a few old friends and made many new friends as well. We had wonderful 3 days painting together. Thank you all so much.
This is one of the demos I did on the workshop. It put quite a challenge on me, but it turned out all right. Hope you all like it.
Wow! What a splash of friendly color. Nice!
Got to say this is some Nice brush work. Nice, clean, and sharp colors.
I think you love a challenge, Qiang! It really came out well. Congratulations for getting out there and doing workshops. I'm sure you're a fantastic teacher.
The flowers just glow. You can almost see the sun coming through the petals.
Qiang, you're a master at capturing light. wow! Holly
Excellent rich work....the light, color and brushwork are stunning!!
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