Friday, December 31, 2021

Take my lesson, but don't do what I did

It has been more than a month I have not posted any painting image on the Internet. You probably wonder what has been going on with my art. Well, first of all, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I hope 2022 brings you good fortune and more success. 

The year 2021 has been a difficult year for many people. I am one of them. In October, I have been diagnosed with bladder cancer. among my busy traveling schedules, I have managed and gone through a few exams and two surgeries. I want to sincerely apologize to the workshop organizers and artists for canceling the planned activities due to the time conflicts with my surgeries. Now I am on my way back to normal. My recent test has shown no cancer cells in my bladder and ureter. I still need additional treatment, and it may happen after the New Year.

Originally, I thought I should keep my personal challenges to myself, but I have realized that the lesson I have learned is relevant to all oil painters. I have no family history of cancer, so I assumed the chances for me to get cancer would be minimized. I don't smoke and drink, have reasonably healthy diet, and exercise regularly. When the cancer showed up in my life, I was shocked.

My dear artist friends,  My message to you now is: Please be careful when you oil paint.

I have noticed quite a few oil painters die young with cancer. To name a few: Bob Ross died at 52, Helen Ven Wyk died at 64, and Johnie Liliedahl died at 64. Before I got cancer, I was pretty careless when I paint. Now I regret. So if you are an oil painter, I have 3 very important advices:

1. You MUST wear gloves when you oil paint.

2. You need to have a good ventilation mechanism if you paint indoors.

3. You should use as less as possible cadmium based oil pigments.

I hope all of you have taken my lesson. Please make these 3 things as your New Year resolution if you have not doing so. May all of you have a good health and dealing with oil paints wisely.