Monday, June 28, 2010

"Green Supporting" --- Sold

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More leaf paintings and more leaves on the painting. I can paint leaves faster now. I still limited my attention to the shapes and values. I touched base of edges a little. Colors and paint quality still needs much more improvement.

4 comments: said...

Qiang, You certainly captured the light on the leaves and rose's edge!
Simplicity and strength beauty! Thanks.
Emily Leland

Martyn Chamberlin said...

I just read the article at ArtistDaily about you. It's so amazing what you do, and with your busy schedule! It's also refreshing to see someone with that kind of drive and motivation. That puts a lot of "artists" to shame.

And your leaves are getting incredible. That takes nothing but years of experience, practice, work, and yes, talent.

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful way of presenting your subjects. Lots of action in a small still life.

Art with Liz said...

Although I never comment, I regularly visit to admire your incredible artwork. This rose is no exception. And had to say that Richard Schmid is absolutely one of the finest artists I've seen in a long time. Well done on 'knocking on his door'. I wish i could do the same.