Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Now and Then"

I got more demands from galleries now, so I paint more larger paintings when i have more control on time, like weekends. Larger canvases offer more potential to compose richer art content. It is overwhelming at the beginning, but i feel more and more comfortable after practice.


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Such delicate beauty and grace in your brushwork. You are a master and a humble one, at that. A wonderful trait in a person. I particularly admire the dignity with which Chinese people conduct themselves.

Canvas of memories said...

Awesome! What a nice color combination and the setting. Each brush stroke was laid perfectly! I am one of the admirers of your work.

Leslie Saeta said...

Your brushstrokes are amazing but you ability to capture the light is ... unbelievable! I am a proud owner of one of your paintings and I love it!

JanettMarie said...

Do you find with the larger paintings that you need to use a larger brush?

Arti said...

this is beautiful...such rich colors and textures, its a feast for the eyes:)

Jeff Mahorney said...

This is amazing. Where to begin? The movement that the petal brushstrokes create is beautiful and exciting. The temperature shifts in bowl are sensitive and describe the form perfectly. The shadowside edges on the apples is perfect. The looseness and value of the apple in shadow pulls it back beautifully. Not easy with warm colors. Could there be too much good stuff happening? No this larger size supports all this great action. Again, Amazing. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

David Morris said...

Wonderful fresh colour, light and loose brushwork.

Jala Pfaff said...

I love how you're doing the roses.

Léah MorMac Artista Plástica said...

As luzes e as sombras capturas com seus pinceis fazem a magia.

Lindsay said...

I'm very impressed with your beautiful work!

Dora said...

Hello, escribo desde Barcelona, España, me gusta mucho la pintura realista, tienen luz tus cuadros como nuestro Sorolla, continúa así. Ni hao.