Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Study with Carolyn Anderson 1"

Hello from Fredericksburg, TX. I am here taking Carolyn Anderson's portrait painting workshop. I like her style a lot. This is my first painting I did under her guidance. You have seen I painted many still lifes, but if you ask me what I like to paint the most, I will say portrait and figure. The reason I don't paint much human subjects is that I know it is too risky if I do that completely by myself at my current level. figurative painting has so many pitfalls if doing it incorrectly. Following the right teacher is crucially important. Carolyn is one of the best artists I want to follow. I have not decided if I will sell this painting. I will think about it.


  1. Well done, Qiang-Huang. This is a beautiful portrait. You have captured the form and the light. And I love that it is 'under-done', sketchy. It is the hardest thing to know when to stop, do you think?

  2. Qiang, I love this beautiful portrait. It makes me want to take a workshop with Carolyn. I've taken three portrait workshops with Daniel Greene (through the years). He's very good, but his style is too traditional, too Rembrandt-ish for me. I prefer your looser style....lovely!
    Mary Jo Kennard (from your August Austin workshop)

  3. Hi Qiang: I always look at your daily paintings, but almost never comment. I just had to stop to tell you how beautiful and sensitive this painting is. I would not sell it, if I were you. It is just striking. Yes, me too, you make me want to take Carolyn's workshop!

  4. Wonderful expressive portrait.
    Kindest regards

  5. Carolyn Anderson must be very happy to have such an excellent student! I took her workshop last January and am in awe of the ability both of you display to so loosely and effectively portray your subjects!

  6. Bravo, you have painted a beautiful portrait that is so simple and loose.

  7. Oh, this is lovely. You are a great student!
