Monday, April 9, 2012

"Demo in Albany 2012 3" --- Sold

When I was in Albany, I did an additional demo open to all artists and art lovers in the area. It was a big turn out. I hope everybody was there has enjoyed the show. I wasn't using the microphone effectively that night. Now I have aware of the issue, so it will be no issue in the future.

My comment on the movie "Hunger Games" has brought up an active discussion (please read more on the comments with my previous blog post). I wish I could have more time to talk more, but. In a nutshell: There are many things in this world are seriously wrong, and getting worse day by day. However, we should think what we can do and then DO it. As an artist, I will do my best to create good paintings and pass on what I know to other growing artists. I may not able to save our kids, save our world, but I will be positive and do my best.  The Titanic is going down, but the band is still playing.

Coming back to Austin, I have not got chance to paint yet, but I will be on the road again. I will teach a workshop at Wenmohs Ranch in the Texas Hill Country near Marble Falls starting this Friday. We might still have a couple of openings. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Dena Wenmohs.


  1. I love your work always. I appreciate your honesty about the movie. From the first trailers about the movie I knew it was one of the many I would NOT go see. I have been told that some theaters will refund your money if you walk out in the first 15 minutes. If true, this is maybe the only way to tell the movie industry what we do and don't want to see.

  2. I found your blog today to be very encouraging and helpful, thank you!

  3. Love your paintings as always. You have executed the glass jar so beautifully, that is what caught my eye believe it or not and I usually get moved only by color.

  4. I love this painting, it's very interesting. Your new follower, Best wishes.
