Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Demo at Putney 3" --- Sold

This is old painting I did last July in Putney Vermont. Master artist Richard Schmid set up a massive flower still life. He did a magnificent demo with it. I have learned a lot from him. I did a demo too. I documented this event in my blog last year, but didn't show the painting I did. So now you have it. The painting was wet so I didn't take it with me. About two weeks ago I revisited Putney, and this painting was sold on my Albany workshop.

I have shown you too many demo paintings lately since teaching workshops have been my major art activity this year. After I relocated my studio, it has not been fully functioning yet. I am working on it patiently. It is very slow, but at least, I am moving forward. Demos are challenging. I tend to be more conservative, repeating a lot, and time limited. But I present them in front of you, so you know I am still going.


  1. This painting has impact and makes a powerful statement! Love your work.

  2. I loved the workshop with you and Colley Whisson and I learned so much. I also wanted to let you know that I look forward to your daily emails from your blog and what is MOST helpful is when you explain what you did and the colors you used. I showed your post to some of my art friends and they went "WOW" that was so helpful and THAT to me is the most valuable part of your daily blog posts. I LOVE IT!! Can't wait to come back to Austin or where ever you are and paint with you.
