Monday, June 27, 2011

"Halogen Warmth"

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Over the weekend I did this gallery level painting. The setup is very similar to the demo I did recently at the Gemini art school, but I have spend a long time on this one. The setup was illuminated with a very warm halogen light. The gray I used was ultramarine blue + cadmium orange. I really want to show the light source color on the painting.

Since I have never attended any formal art school, my knowledge about art is like a fish net. it is full of holes. many common terms I am not familiar with. Now I got more time chatting with professional painters. I start to realize that so many things I do not know. For instance, I hear quite a few art teaches mention "modeling" the form. I do not know what exactly it means. After many time, I think I kind of figure it out. I think "modeling" means providing adequate amount of details so the painting shows consistent relationship of the planes to form a 3-D representation. I did more "modeling" for my today's painting to give a more realistic looking.


  1. I love the variety of smooth surfaces in this one, and how you've managed to capture the subtle differences between them so expertly.

    I'd say you've got modeling down pat. :)

  2. I can't believe you haven't attended any formal art school. All your paintings are so gorgeous and perfectly structured that you come across as having had formal training!

  3. If that fishing net didn't have holes, you would have a dam instead! You know as much as you need to, in my opinion..get the flow going, you've already shared a boat-load of
    'catch & release' joyful paintings into the world! (-: Carole

  4. I think "modeling" is a term borrowed from the art of sculpture and it means shaping the clay. You have the right idea, because I think when a painter refers to modeling, the the meaning is use paint to describe the "form" (a three-dimensional shape) as convincingly as a sculptor does it in clay.

  5. This is an absolutely stunning piece !

    I can't stop looking at it :D

  6. Thank you for taking us along on your art journey. You have the most important part, you can do even though you may not have all the terms to describe what you do. Too many of us have the knowledge but not yet the application. I enjoy seeing all the beauty that you create. Thanks again.

  7.'s me, Fran Kuta...i took your workshop in Sacramento in Jan 2010 :) I read your blog all the time and I really appreciate your words. I didn't go to regular art school either and am teaching myself I am inspired by you :) Thank you!

  8. Hi Quiang,

    I have been trying to get in touch with you for a while. Well done on making your move to full time art. I sell my work too and have my own gallery which I have just opened.

    I also sell in other galleries. I wanted to ask you a few things about whay you are going through with your grays etc and also about your stunning portrait work. I am also a fan of Zhaoming Wu. I live in Scotland. Please contact me. My details are on my website.

    Love all your work and you deserve lots of success.



  9. Hi Quiang,
    been following you for a while now you're work is some of the best stuff around on the internet, get going with the full time art you don't need to know everything to be a great artist go with your gut you won't go wrong,

  10. congratulations on your wonderful paintings! I'm a self-taught artist too, so I know how you feel...

    I usually paint in natural light but want to explore the possibility of using artificial light. When you make a setup in halogen light, do you use the same halogen lights on your easel as on your subject? Maybe you could post an image of your setup some time...

