Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Cherry Dance" --- Sold

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My gray study keeps going, just like my leaf study. For the background I used raw umber + white. I felt it is a little purplish. Then I used raw umber + viridian + white for the foreground. So it gave a little greenish. I had a lot of fun painting those cherries.

Besides painting, I would like to talk a little about email communication between you, my dear artist friends, and me. Because of my honestly sharing my art and life experiences on my blog, I have been receiving massive amount of emails everyday. My heart is really touched when I read your kind and supportive messages. Besides congratulation and appreciation letter, many friends want to work with me to create business opportunities, like gallery representations, and organizing workshops. Many friends ask for advices, critiques, and other questions. I do read all your messages. In the earlier days, I tried my best to replying all emails. However now, I have reached a point that it is impossible to do that for everybody. If I received the emails I consider I must reply, I "flag" them, think about them, and reply as quick as possible. Nowadays, Even my "flagged" emails have piled up. It looks that delaying responses are inevitable. I feel pretty bad about it. Managing the email communication has become a big issue now. What I plan to do is to categorize the messages and generate templates for the answers, and update FAQs on my website. If you have good suggestions, I really appreciate you let me know. I feel so grateful that most of my friends are so kind, very understanding and patient. I promise that I will try my best to reply as quick as I can. If you don't hear from my, please be patient. If there is timely matter, please remind me, I will try to expedite the process. For the very few people who are upset, I sincerely apologize. I am only human. What I can do is very limited, and I want to be fare to all my friends. In a nutshell, I want thank all of you again. I will figure out a way to be more efficient in communication when time goes by.


  1. It took 2 yeasr/thanks to you here I am.Im just starting out my painters blog.,Im wanting to cross promote with yours let me know? http://douglascarter.blogspot.com/
    Your Fan Doug

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  3. Another incredible painting -- I love your work. Thank you for sharing your process with us. :^)

  4. Absolutely lovely painting. it is so quiet.

  5. These cherries glow against the lovely neutral. Wonderful!

  6. I love your grey series. I am learning a lot from studying each painting you post. I think my favorite things about this painting is the soft edge of the bowl and the reflection of the cherries. Beautiful work Qiang!

  7. The composition is so simple and direct and as a result so beautiful! I love the way the cherries are dispersed in front of the little bowl and love those beautifully intense colors the cherries have also.

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