Monday, August 10, 2009

"Flowing Colors" --- Sold

I think I am back to my regular painting mode again, and I also started to explore new methods. I did this painting on a gessoed Masonite board. The reason I shifted away from canvas is that I realized that I can create more painterly effects with less paint. When I am not sure about a mix of color, I test it by mixing a small quantity with my brush, I found using Masonite is relatively easier to get an effect. But on a canvas, I need much more paint. That could be the reason that I have hardly seen that David Leffel using canvases.


  1. The masonite give the apples a smooth shiny look. I may have to try out masonite - I am hearing a lot of good stuff about it.

  2. Your colors on those apples are absolutely wonderful. Outstanding still-life!

  3. This is a beautiful painting, qiang-huang. I love the 'wetness' of the colours, and their blending from one fruit to the next.
    I also like to paint on board, but unfortunately it's not as easy to handle afterwards. It needs a frame.

  4. LOVE these apples!

    I also enjoyed reading about/seeing the photos from your trip!

  5. Oh yeah! I know that qiang-huang signature red. I love the way the intensity builds up to it too. If you don't mind me asking, Are your yellows and reds Cadmium?

  6. I recently switched to board too, love it! This apple painting is glowing/beautiful!!!

  7. Love the colors and the simple composition. Your style always shines through.

  8. Almost abstract. One of my favorites.

  9. Almost abstract. One of my favorites.
