Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"Gondolas in Venice" Phase 3

Please be patient with me. This large painting will take a while to finish. For these a few days, I have been working on the figures. I don't want them to be detailed, but the drawing needs to be accurate, and the color needs to be interesting. This is what I got so far. I know some paintings take years to finish. I hope this one will not be that way. Well, I take it back. I started this one in 2017. Now it is 2020. At least I have not got stuck yet. Please wish me luck to have a smooth ride.

I hope you have checked the information of "Realism Live". I wish I could be a part of it, but I have a time conflict. If you have not checked the program, Here is the link: https://realismlive.com/register-now?affiliate_id=2533996. There so many superb artists will demo for this event. It is a great opportunity to learn from them.

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