Wednesday, December 18, 2019
"My OG Place Update 2"
I have got many comments after my previous post. I apologize I was not clear: OG stands for "Off-the-Grid". My structure is located in a very primitive location. There is no power, no water, and no septic. To make this place inhabitable, I must build all infrastructures. So my today's image is not artistic, but very engineering. (1) I have installed a 800W solar system (about $2000) so I can run a window AC, all my lights, fans, and water pumps. (2) I collect rainwaters (about $600) with 300 gallon tank space, and 4 stage filtration for water purification. (3) I installed a propane tankless water heater for a shower. (4) I bought a composting toilet (about $1000), and the waste goes directly to a small organic vegetable garden. (5) I use a propane heater ($200) and insulated the bedroom only to save fuel (Texas does not get too cold in winter). So far my total expenditure on this project is about $8000. Lumber and other materials are from the Home Depot, and appliances and miscellaneous are from Amazon. All the DIY knowhow is from Youtube.
Very inspiring. What was the biggest challenge? It looks like you learned or already new several components of home building.