Sunday, September 30, 2018

“Plein Air at Shangli 02"

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This plein air painting was interrupted a few times by the rain. I don't know if it is considered finished or not, but I was really in a rush using the time when the rain was subsided into a drizzle. The scene was a complicated structure, but I was under the pressure, and it is impossible to take care of all the issues I consider necessary to be a painting I like. reality is reality.

I feel the process of this painting just like my life. We have to compromise to all the issues we wish we can take care of, but life is telling us that is the best we can have. Struggling in life is not always a bad thing. Just like this painting, I kind of like it.

1 comment:

  1. You have progressed so beautifully...CONGRATULATIONS...IT IS BEAUTIFUL!
