Sunday, March 8, 2015

"Demo at Panama City 2015 3" --- Sold

The third demo is about flowers, and I also discussed about high key vs low key. Having re-examined my concept about the value design, I found that I have not done any real "high" key paintings. To be more exact, the painting of this demo should be considered "mid" key. As a matter of fact, the terminology is not that important. What is important is that we need to have a system to organize our knowledge about our art. We not only need to communicate with other people, but also need to communicate with ourselves. We need to establish our own vocabulary base to describe and analyze  our art.

I usually demo painting floral with only one or two flowers, but this time I painted so many. I have practiced more what I have learned from Richard Schmid. In fact, this demo is not really about painting flowers per se, it was more on how to design of abstract patterns to imply abundance.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, very different for you, and very appealing to your fans. You have your 'stars' and the supporting players. Even the composition is different from your usual array of a shiny object, a flower or two, some fruit, etc. This abundance is very lovely!
