Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Orchid Study 2" --- Sold

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For doing the second orchid study, I have gained more confidence and freedom. I find the rubber tipped paint wipe off tool more and more useful. I got it from the Jerry's Artarama. You don't have to use the same brand. The idea is important. When you place new paint on the already painted area, it is a good idea to remove the wet paint at the spot first, then apply the new paint on top. This is a good way to create higher contrast and keep the paint clean.


  1. Appreciate ongoing instruction. As for showing us Jerry's Artarama, I have mixed feelings. Started shopping all the cool new things I could acquire, instead of painting!The wipe off tool will be great for working with more control of the wet into wet.

  2. Hi Qiang - I was so delighted to seeing you endorse this tool so I have placed a link from my blog to yours.
    I am hoping they can see the magnificent way you have used it.
    You are such a fabulous artist.
    (Peggy said she enjoyed seeing you in Albuquerque. Wish I had been there)

  3. Hi Qiang, I've been wanting to try this technique since I noticed it in Julie Ford Oliver's blog. Thank you for illustrating how you also use it. Very informative and I can't wait to try it. I've signed up for your 2014 workshop at the Corse Gallery and can't wait. I respect your work and talent! Thank you.

  4. These flowers have a wonderful sense of movement and fresh color.
