Thursday, December 13, 2012

First Image from Beijing

My previous blog post was misleading. I am so sorry. I am in China only temporarily. I did say "Goodbye America", but I didn't say "Farewell America". I have arrived at Beijing last night. I am here visiting my parents, and I will spend the holiday season with them. My father's Parkinson's disease has getting worse. He is completely bed-bound. So I want to spend a little longer time with him. I will be back to US in February 2013, then I have even more workshops booked for the coming year. I will see you again.

Just like my last trip in Beijing, I will keep you posted and let you know what I see, do, and think. I went out this morning. It is very cold here. The temperature is -3 degree Celsius (about 19 F). The dominant color here is grey, very grey. However I see an orange vender has placed a high chroma color on the grey background.


  1. Great photo! Have a wonderful time in China. Hasta la vista!

  2. Best of luck and have a cherished visit with your parents.

  3. Lovely photo please post more during your visit. Very sorry your dad is not doing well. Best wishes for him, your mother and you as you enjoy the holiday season together and beyond.

  4. So sorry to read that your father is so ill. Best wishes to you and your family.

  5. Praying for your father's comfort. Hope to see many of your photos from this trip. Be safe!
