Friday, November 18, 2011

Gold is Everywhere

Twenty six years ago, I left Beijing and arrived in US. At that time, The Chinese had mysterious feeling about America. “There are gold everywhere in America” was a popular saying. However for 26 years, I had worked really hard toward my American dream. On the other hand, “gold is everywhere” was true literally, but it happens only in the fall. Beautiful maple trees carpet most of the USA with dazzling golden colors.

Now, many Americans think about China is full of opportunities. “Gold is everywhere” forms the Chinese dream. Holding an American passport, I am strolling on the street in Beijing. “Gold is everywhere” is literally true as well. Beautiful leaves of ginkgo trees gently spreading golden colors all over the place.


  1. I'm really enjoying your posts from China, Qiang. Here's wishing you a truly wonderful visit! :o)

  2. It is interesting to follow your trip from U.S. to China. I am reading your blog in Finland, in Northern Europe. We, too, have golden maple leaves in our streets and yards in the fall. Sometimes the maple leaves turn to red because of sudden coldness. There are curtains in a window in our home with pictures of gingko leaves. So I see gingko leaves every day. I wish you a happy trip in China and back to America.

  3. Cool quote from great artist. :D
