Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Wrestling Pears"

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You may have noticed, my paintings of today and yesterday have shown perspectives above eye level. I felt like a child full of curiosity trying to figure out what mom has put on the table top. I am fifty some years old now. Bouncing around in the world for so many years has exhausted much of my energy. I feel tired and numb. Sometimes, I feel depressed too. But  art is my therapy. This kind of above eye level setups refreshes me. We cannot resist the natural process of aging, but let try our best to keep our mind young forever.


  1. I love the sense of light in this painting. I especially like the purple top and the way it balances with the pears.

  2. So glad you are getting to paint daily now. Love your thoughts on wondering what your mom put on the table top. Great idea. Endless choices we can make. Love the violet jar top in contrast to the pear colors.

  3. Love it! I agree, Alice, the purples are just perfect!!

  4. If I could paint like you do I would never want to sell them! Beautiful work.

  5. Wonderful. I how the violet lid acts as the counter balance the strong yellows of the fruit. :)

  6. I love your art. And your words are touching me.
