Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Afternoon Tea"

My recent experiments in art have pushed me out my usual way of painting. I feel I am in an intersection, and I am a little confused which directions I should go. I did this 9"x12" yesterday and kind of like it. There is no doubt that the painting is getting more abstract. However, I was doing my best to keep the forms of the tea kettle and the white bowl as accurate as possible. So the painting is still representational. With the realistic presentation of my subjects as an anchor, I tried to push the envelope with color and brushwork as abstract as I can, so I can push the dynamics and energy to a higher level. There is definitely a balance issue. I am wondering how far I can go. Please help me to keep my sanity checked. If you don't like the direction I am going, please do not hesitant to let me know. I believe that it is the failure of the artist if the art does not communicate. I would like to keep this painting to myself for a while, I might send it to a gallery show in the near future.


  1. This is AWESOME! I love the way you are experimenting. This painting is very dynamic!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE this painting!!! I love the abstract edge you put on your work!

  3. I so enjoy watching you stretch. And agree, the balance between abstract and realistic is what makes the difference between a good painting and one that is not. I love the looseness you are showing now. Love all the diagonals. Very dynamic study.

  4. Love all the high key stuff your doing now!!! So much lighter. You have such a great touch with the brush!

  5. a perfect balance on all aspects...looseness, color, light and of your very best paintings, indeed.

  6. I love it! And I see a similar quality of energy and abstraction in yesterday's painting -- "Dried Up Creek" -- so even though you were more conscious of pushing "Afernoon Tea" in that direction, maybe your heart's already been taking you there. Go with it!

  7. I love this painting. Personally for me, I think it's your best painting. Why?....because it's so painterly. It shows emotion.

  8. I really like this painting. I think you are going in the right direction. This shows an energy and painterlyness I love. Keep it up, and we will try to follow in your footsteps.

  9. WOW! Absolutely a stunner! The movement and excitement of this painting can move mountains. LOVE this direction--amazing "balance" of representational and abstract.

    GREAT decision on keeping this one, and putting it into a competition--I wish they would hire ME as the judge! Astounding, Qiang.

  10. Qiang,
    I love your latest painting that is approaching abstract. I think it is a natural progression for an artist to stretch and push the limits of realism.

    I especially love that blue jar behind the teakettle in this painting.

    I hope you stay safe from the Texas fires. So tragic.

  11. You have found a lovely balance between classic realism and an elegant form of abstract. I wouldn't be too confused.

  12. Please keep going! I love this, part realistic and part abstract. Quite a challenge to render it so well.SUPER!

  13. I think you are on your own path and heading in the right direction. Very exciting - and thank you for sharing the journey with us all

  14. Beautiful! I love the energy and the abstractness. It looks alive. I, too have been experimenting (in my mind anyway). I have yet to put it on canvas, but I'm on the verge of breaking out. I realize that I'm at a different point in my life and see things differently.Thanks for sharing your journey.

  15. I can't take my eyes off this painting. I just keep looking all around, thoroughly and happily lost in it. It is lovely; truly beautiful. At the same time it is dynamic, exciting, invigorating. I have been enjoying your high key work. This one isn't just a home run, it is a grand slam. Don't second guess yourself with this. I think this has been trying to emerge in your work---elements of it are seen in your last few pieces. Keep going and see where it takes you. We are all happily watching!

  16. You should have more confidence in your ability - your style is recognisable and unique and you can't buy that! I love this - especially that kettle. x

  17. I just LOVE the direction you are going in! It is STUNNING! Thank you for sharing with us...

  18. I not only love the direction you're going, but am completely envious! I've been squinting, but it isn't working as quickly as I would like. I've always been a fan of your work, but the recent stuff is really, really great.

  19. Stunning! It definitely communicates. When I enlarged it my heart jumped. Full of emotion!

  20. Filled with visual electricity - just wonderful and truly unique, it just pops even at a small size (I'd keep it too if I were you).

    I love how brave you are - after 20 yrs as a graphic designer I'm returning to painting and seemed to have lost my own spark over the years; you inspire me to press forward every day... thank you!

  21. Great work as usual. This has a Richard Schmid or Zhaoming Wu feel to it; the edges and objects melt away in just the right places. This keeps the painting filled with movement; it's not easy to hit the paradox of the active still life!

  22. This is a beautiful painting.The lost edges make it feel moody and evocative. Don't worry about where you are going with the explorations, just keep painting and exploring and you'll continue to reveal your true self and what is most satisfying for you to paint. You describe this as more abstract- I see it as more loose, painterly realism and it is gorgeous- as were your earlier paintings that were more precisely defined. it;s all good- so don't worry about making any conclusions on any direction.

  23. This piece is just right. There is movement and joy in each stroke. Love the abstract background that wraps around the objects.
