Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Sisters" --- Donated to Japanese "Aid for Bed" Directly Helping by Providing Shelter for theDisplaced

Click Here to Bid

On March 10, I was packing for my trip to Florida. Because I was in a rush, I pushed a small table and one of the Japanese dolls displayed on it fell off. Knocked on the floor tiles, her head was shattered into pieces. I felt pity about the accident, but didn't think too much and continuing on my rush. Less than 24 hours later I was on my way and stopped by a McDonald’s on I-10 between Pensacola and Tallahassee. I opened my Mac. Oh!! my goodness, I saw that horrible images of Tsunami and Earthquake of Japan. I was frozen by the terrible scenes the devastation, felt the world was ending. I am not really superstitious, but the shadow of my crashed Japanese doll was floating on gloomy images of the tremendous disaster.

I was back to Austin late last night, and felt obligated to do something. I did this painting this morning and hope to do a little help to the people in Japan. Now the Daily Paintworks website has posted a new challenge to all daily painters call "the Help Japan Challenge". I want to submit this painting to this challenge. I hope all my artist friends can join me to donate a painting to raise a help fund. If you are interested in join me, please check "the DPW Help Japan Challenge" for the detailed information. This is one way we artists can help. Thank you.


  1. How eerie it was with your Japanese dolls falling the day of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan! I would have got goose pimples if That had happened to me.

    As usual, lovely rendering of the cute little dolls. Hen hao kan!很好看

  2. Such a lovely painting and I see it is already doing very well on the DPW site. Great job!

  3. This is just a great tribute and a great painting. I need to get to the studio to paint one for this great DPW help.

  4. Qiang: This is as touching a story as it is a beautiful painting! Thank you for sharing. My heart broke for you thinking about the moment when you opened your computer at the MacDonald's and saw the tragedy in Japan. What a shock it must have been. Such an awful (if not ridiculous) juxtaposition ... the clanging and clanking of the red and yellow fast food world of MacDonald's, as a back drop for the harsh reality of the frailty of life. Thank you for your sensitive approach to life, art and self expression. Marie Martin

  5. I love this piece, I also love kokeshi. Beautifully done! Congrats on the bids :)

  6. It´s very nice. I love your work.
