Friday, November 26, 2010

"Sugar Jar" --- Sold

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This painting has almost no cadmium colors in it. It is very special for me because I am so addicted to cadmium red and orange and use them in all my paintings except this one. I want to see if it is possible I still can create a popping effect with cool colors.

I did this painting on the Thanksgiving day. At this holiday time. I want thank all of you for giving me support, and encouragement. I have run into so many difficulties and problems in my art journey. Some many times I want quit. You keep me going. I maybe slow, I may limp, but I move forward, because of you.

Song and I went a friend's home for the Thanksgiving dinner. I met a few new people at the party. I was asked: "What do you do?" As usual, I would answer "I am an engineer" without thinking, because that is my daily job. However, this time, after pondering for a while, I answered: "I am an artist". You know what. It shocked me when I said that. I am so used to identify myself as a technical professional and doing art in my spare time. Now, having claimed "I am an artist" in front of strangers, I realized I have pledged an identity shift officially. My center of balance has been toggled. I felt my commitment into art is serious now. Art is no longer a spare time activity any more. It will be considered a career for me. I will support my family with it soon. I do feel a little sad toward my technical career, though. At an appropriate time, I will tell you how I feel about the corporate culture.


  1. The sugar jar is wonderful the way you have captured the light. Glad you admitted you are an artist. I thought so a LONG, LONG TIME ago.

  2. That's a big step you took! For a long time I have admired your discipline and commitment to art as well as your talent and skill. Congratulations on acknowledging and declaring yourself as an artist. And, thank you for sharing such an important and personal moment with us.

  3. I love that you are identifying yourself as an artist. Huge step. Congratulations.

  4. Giant step forward...that was hard for me to say the first time. However, your art says it for you. You have so much talent and dedication. Bravo

  5. Wonderful post! What a moment, to proclaim that you ARE an artist! Love your spirit, and your work!

  6. Congratulations, Qiang--recognizing yourself as an artist is indeed a shift in consciousness and center of balance. And while it has been obvious to your many followers for years, how wonderful for you to now see it for yourself. Thanks for sharing this discovery, and as always, your courage, insight, and good chi.

  7. JOY! I'm so happy to hear this and I know you will do very well. You're such an inspiration to so many people, myself included. You share so generously both your art and your thoughts about your art. It is a joy to behold--and knowing you will continue with even MORE effort, perhaps fulltime is wonderful news!!!

  8. I love your work as so many do and we have considered you an artist for a long time. I remember a quote I heard one time, "find something you love to do and then figure out a way to make money doing it". That is the dream for most artists, I'm very happy for you.

  9. This in it's simplicity is so beautiful:)

  10. Thank you for this post. I know that many of us who work a full time job outside of the arts can sympathize. Your verbal proclamation is a victory & an inspiration!

  11. Ah, congratulations. You are a wonderful artist. It is hard to commit to the word. You are an inspiration for us all and I wish you the best. This is a wonderful piece. Just lovely.

  12. I very much admire your ability and willingness to share your thoughts, about this transition. Moving gracefully between our careers or obligations, is a bit of a dance; one in which I tend to do with two left feet.

    It is my humble opinion, that you have always been an gifted artist (our gifts may be "unwrapped" over time ;-] ) And similarly, you will always "be" an accomplished and well respected engineer. Both are a part of your being. You may set upon a walking path, and lead with your right foot; or you may lead with your left foot.

    It is possible, that a life time of your work as an engineering professional, has prepared you for this moment in time. A place & time, when you can embrace and nurture the artist/painter that is so very much a part of your being and life force.

    You are a most uniquely faceted gem of a person!
    My wish for you and Song, is that you, your family, and grand circle of artist friends and supporters, are embraced by the light and color that you gather in your paintings.
    M. Sonoqui Gillette
