Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Toronto Canada"

I am on my way home from my Toronto trip, and currently I am at the Charlotte Airport waiting for my flight back to Austin. Since I have to wait here for 4 hours, why don’t I get on-line and talk to you? I found a cozy spot at the Starbucks, and turned on my laptop. Canada is a beautiful country. The weather was so great these a couple of days. I felt the coolness of early autumn. Two days ago we went a water amusement park. My brother took Jonathan and Ray (J’s cousin) to go on the rides. I am too chicken to join them. However, my camera was busy and captured quite a few nice shots. I am so interested in children’s expressions. I want to share this one with you.


  1. You were so close to where I live! Maybe sometime you'll do a workshop here? I'm glad you enjoyed your stay. We have had great weather the past couple of days. Happy flight home ; )

  2. What a gorgeous little girl, I see a painting. :)

  3. just came upon your blog
    You do wonderful work
    never did a workshop
    would love to one day
    Thanks for sharing
