Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Let Me In"

Click Here to Bid

After several plein air landscapes, I want to go back to still life. I also want to paint something I haven’t painted before. Kiwis are new to me. The translucent dark green is so enticing. I just love it.


  1. your kiwis are floating above the plate. I like the colors.

  2. Nice Qiang - really enjoying your work. Have you seen Carol Marine's work?
    You might like to try her layered approach - seems to help with depth and glowing color effects.

    All the best,
    Richard Robinson

  3. I like everything about your approach on this one. I have 4 of Carol Marine's paintings and I am thinking about bidding on this one of yours.

  4. This looks really cool, I like the light and the way you did the kiwi's. I'm not sure about the shadows that the kiwis project onto the plate, I think they might need to be darker, they almost look like there not in the plate.


  5. I like colors, but why don't you paint more big objects as you did usualy?. Is it due some indication from a master?

  6. *chuckles* one thing about your commenters (is that a word?!) - we never hesitate with the advice!!

    i love the glow on the kiwi pieces - and the plate is like a brilliant jewel - thank you for sharing this one!

    oh - re the floating - it's the littler piece on the plate - i think the reflected light on the right side (the thin strip of orange-ish) is what's doing it - an even slimmer strip of dark shadow on the underside of the piece i think would anchor it. but it's not necessary-just personal choice. me, i like it glowing - like it's so full of light it's weightless! . . .

  7. I love your kiwis! Its very funny that you named it "Let Me In". If you visit my blog you will see why. I just got my OPA Juried Exhibition brochure from Legacy Gallery and was delighted to find an image of your painting "Quiet Festivity" displayed on the inside. Congratulations! It is a beautiful piece and you have worked very hard to achieve this level of excellence! I hope to see you in Scottsdale!
