Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Yellow Daisy" --- Sold

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My wife, Song, had some leftover yellow daisies sitting in the corner of our kitchen after her ikebana meeting. I put them on my still life stand and did this painting almost en plein air. I really had hard time when I started. The value range was very narrow, the purples and yellows are almost the same in value and temperature. It was so abstract at the beginning that I almost gave it up. I straggled through and kind of like how it turned out. I like to have the painting as abstract as possible but keep the accuracy so the painting still representational. I will be in Dallas, TX this weekend teaching my third workshop of the year. Keep checking and I will keep you posted.


  1. This is really exciting! I can see why it gave you trouble to begin with, it's very different from your usual high contrast painting, but it turned out wonderful!!!! Isn't it great to step outside our usual and do something completely different ... and have it turn out better than expected. Wow!

  2. I love the bright airy feeling it conveys. The colors work beautifully for me. Bravo!

  3. Your brushwork is stunning here. I love the loose and abstract qualities of this piece. The daisies are definitely the stars and you captured their essence beautifully. The red accents are delicious.

  4. these are really lovely - so full of life! do you ever paint your wife's ikebana? does she post pics of them?

    have a fun workshop!

  5. You may have "straggled" through it but the result was wonderful. Great brushwork & composition.

  6. Another good painting! I like the touches of red. The flowers are beautiful.

  7. I so love all of your work. I've given you the "Sunshine Award." If you want to accept it, instructions are on my blog. :)

    It’s my way of saying thank you for sharing your amazing talent with all of us.

  8. Love your bold, confident strokes and the cropped composition

  9. I don't usually like lavender and yellow together - but you really made it work! love the loose brushwork.

  10. Really nice flower painting, check also Mario Zampedroni blog at

    Thank you for sharing your artwork!
