Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Beauty of Simplicity" --- Sold

Another week without painting passed by solidly. I was rat racing in the labs in Texas and New Jersey. Perhaps my boss has found my negative words in my earlier posts toward corporate culture, and planned to punish me deliberately. I was given a work load so unrealistic that I will fail for sure and look bad. 3000 feet above sea level, among IPhone fumblers and laptop gazers, I opened "The Good Life" by Helen and Scott Nearing. A glare of the Sun was reflected to my eyes from a tiny speck of water surface down there. Maybe it was from the "Walden Pond". Men! the picture I was in was absolutely surreal. People have to be crazy to be normal....... I forced myself and did this small painting late Friday night.


  1. oh such a good book to read. Your boss needs to take a deep breath. Keep painting-love your work.

  2. It's good that you can still produce something so Beautifully Simple while your life is so hectic. Thank you for sharing it all with us <3

  3. The painting is exquisite. Your ability to pull from your feelings and put it on canvas is fascinating and much appreciated. Your paintings are a reflection of your heart.

    Van Vleck, Texas

  4. Hi ,Im a french painter, I come from Nantes in France
    I like your job and specially your background , I find them actually vith lot of life . I will learn a lot from you . If you don't mind and have time ,glanced an eye on my blog
    and let me some comments

    so sorry for the english

  5. Ola,
    Your paintings are awesome!
    This one is unique, so simple, so beautiful...
    great worl.


  6. hang in there...

    and a lovely painting . . . thank you!

  7. Amen to that (and the last post) my brother.

  8. You really summed up the rat race and your sense of humor about your bosses is delightful.

    THIS PAINTING IS A FEAST FOR THE EYES!! That red ribbon ,set off by the delicious spots of yellow and blue violet is masterful!
