Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Halloween Is Coming" --- Sold

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Halloween is coming and I have a real ghost story to tell. You know I was in Mississippi about two weeks ago teaching a workshop. I stayed alone in a small cottage next to an old cemetery. The owner of the cottage has many antiques displaying in the room for decoration. I went to bed around 11:00 PM. I turned off the light…..and it was getting quiet. Well, I started to hear a faint noise. To be precise in the engineering terms, it was a low frequency, periodic buzzing noise –zzz---. Some one was breathing…. I jumped out of the bed and turned on the light. The noise was disappeared. I checked the refrigerator and bathroom, but nothing was looking suspicious. Maybe an animal was in or around the house. Maybe it was simply my imagination. I turned off the light and tried to sleep again. Well, the noise came back. It was REAL I swear. I felt a little scared, but I didn’t know what I could do. I thought about the tombs several yards from me and the spirits under the stones. The house must be HAUNTED…. I started talking to the “ghost”. I chose English for the obvious reason…. Of course, I hardly had any sleep that night. Next morning, I searched the house and inspected the antiques items as careful as I can. You know what, I found the “ghost”. Do you want to know what it was? It was an old electric clock. It has a motor constantly moving (not ticking). It makes a very faint noise just like someone was breathing…. I slept like a log ever after. The end.


  1. That is funny. I love your paintings, Qiang.

  2. The painting is colorful, the ghost story also...very enjoyable :) I enjoy all your paintings!

  3. Hi Mr Huang
    I sent an email for you.(
    please see your inbox or spam folder.

  4. I love your painting and your ghost story! I would have been scared too.


  5. Gorgeous color in the painting!!
    Loved your 'haunting' story!

  6. Great painting. I have to admit I l laughed out loud when I got to the end of your ghost story. I'm at work - the executive floor - it's very quite here and here I sit laughing. . . thanks for starting my day with a beautiful painting and a good laugh.

  7. Some how this went to the wrong post so I am putting it here where I ment to.

    I never did catch the whole story while we were riding by the cemetery the last day you were here. Now I'm glad I did not, loved reading it on your blog. So glad you came and I learned so much form you. I even started gathering up props to paint. Enjoyed you workshop very much.

    God Bless

  8. What a great 'ghost' story, Qiang! You must have been so tired the next day - but at least you got sleep for the rest of your stay! I love the chunky brush strokes and the saturated color just leads your eye around the painting! Happy Halloween!
