Monday, September 19, 2022

New Youtube Video: Painter's Guide App Tutorial


I have just uploaded a new video on Youtube. It gives a comprehensive overview on how to use our Painter's Guide App. Two years have passed since our engineers and I created this app, and many people has used this app to assist their painting projects. However, I have not updated you a detailed information on the functions of this app until today.

I have used Youtube as a teaching tool for more than a decade, but I was so stupid and didn't know I can make some money from it. For So many years I posted so many videos and got so many people subscribed my channels. Do you know how much money I have made so far? The answer is ----- a big fat ZERO.... I really did not know how to set my Youtube correctly. Recently, I really learned Youtube from Youtube. So, wish me luck this time. In addition, if you can like what I did and subscribe my channel, I will really appreciate your help. 

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