Saturday, February 5, 2022

Paint safety webpage

 I have just made a web page talking about the safety of oil painting. If you are interested to know how to identify the toxicity of pigments and the actions I have taken to be safer in painting, please visit: Thanks


  1. Qiang, I've been following your search for less-toxic colors for a few weeks, and I thought I'd pop in to say that I've recently found that Pyrrol Scarlet is an excellent substitute for Cadmium Red Light in terms of both chroma and opacity. The version I use is Winsor and Newton's Artist Oil Color in Scarlet Lake, but any paint that is pigment PR 255 should work. It is much more satisfactory to me than Napthol Red.

    I agree that Water-Mixable oils are too sticky, even Cobra, which I think are the best. Instead, I use my regular oils and do all my brush cleaning with Walnut oil while painting, then brush soap afterward, instead of solvent.

    Thank you for all the information--I am so glad that you seem to be doing well after your medical ordeal.

  2. You might look at Tad Spurgeon’s website regarding not toxic painting materials. He also has a book called “Living Craft” that is advertised on the Natural Pigment’s website. Please check it out.

    My sister had very bad bladder cancer at age 50. She is living a great life many years later.

    Thank you for your beautiful paintings and teaching.
