Saturday, October 3, 2020

Zoom demo is on Youtube now


Please watch the video at:

I did a painting demo live on Zoom today. It was problematic, and it might have caused some artists who has registered, but not able to watch. All of this was due to my lack of knowledge of using Zoom. The problem was that I have sent out the wrong invitation. I copied the invitation info and pasted to the email I sent out, and I did not know how to verify the correct meeting ID until the time the meeting started. I copied an different meeting invitation and sent it to you. Fortunately, my son Jonathan figured it out. and helped me to start the meeting with the ID I have sent. If you have missed the live demo, I sincerely apologize to you. We live in this so called "Information" age, but the fact is we are lack of more information. Just a few days ago, I knew nothing about Zoom. I jumped into the water without knowing how to swim. I am learning dangerously. I wish I could have prepared thoroughly to start to do things, but we don't have that kind of time. Life is too short, we have to take the risk. I am glad this live demo was not a complete failure. The result is better than I thought.

Now I have put the demo on Youtube (it is another deep water I need to swim through). Please go to the above link to watch. I hope this video helps you. For the people who have seen the demo live, you may watch the painting getting finished in this video.  

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