Monday, October 12, 2020

Shed in the back yard


This is another plein air piece. The location was in our backyard. The time was about 2:00 pm. The painting was started a year ago. It was abandoned after it had barely a composition sketch. I did not know why I didn't complete the painting at the time. I worked on it a few more days recently and I may say it is finished. I would not say I really like it, but it did show some progress of my skills after I researched on color during this precious time of the Covid isolation. I become more sensitive about colors in the shadow. I like the color of siding of the shed in the shade. This one and my previous "Off the Grid" painting are two my most recent plein air works. I find I am slowing down significantly. None of these paintings was alla prima. I have been seen more and mix more colors. Although the resulted paintings have not shown significant difference from my previous plein air works, but some feelings are happening.  

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