Monday, July 6, 2020

"APPs for Painters"

I have been collaborating with two software engineers, and we have started to make APPs for artists. Please visit: to see what I have. At this moment, all the apps are related to the information I go through in my recent "Color Theory" class. If you have downloaded this class, you receive a zip file. There are 4 files in it. To attend my class, you only need 2 files: the video file, and the pdf. The other 2 files are the "color conversion" table and "color map" app. They run on Mac only. So that is problem for PC users. Now the problem has been solved. these 2 files can be replaced by the apps on the webpage now. So both PC and Mac user can access them.

I am working continuously to make the DVD and online version of the "Color Theory" class available as soon as possible. I am sorry for the delay, They will come soon. Well, at least you have the downloadable version now. If you want to download, go to:

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