Wednesday, December 27, 2017

"Demo at Gainesville 2017 2"

I hope all of you have had a great Christmas. Life moves on and now the New Year is coming. During this holiday break, I did not paint. Somehow I have had a guilty feeling. I must be honest with you. For a long time I have been suffering a terrible burnt out. Earlier this month, I started a 36x36 . The painting just had a rough block in. I have tried many times to pick up a brush to continue, but I just can't. I don't know what exactly prevents me to paint. Maybe the lack of inspiration is the reason. If I don't feel I want to do it, I am afraid that the painting will turn out badly. I kept myself busy with other things. My recent acquired camper is a can of worms, It forced me spending a lot of money in Amazon. I did so many projects on this old toy, and it seems more and more to come. What should I do? Am I still a painter, or not?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you, Sir, for sharing your art with me. I appreciate the privilege you have given me.

    To answer your question: Yes. You are a painter. Your 'cup,' however, may be empty. Please rest. Take the time you need so that your cup can fill up. Then, when your cup is full, you can once again pour out more beauty for all to see.

    Thank you again.

  3. Qiang... of course you are still a painter... and an excellent one at that! When you have no ambition to work on a painting you have started, set it aside and work on something else. I can't believe that anything you do will come out badly! But if it does, the trash can is your new friend, and start another painting right away. Your new camper toy is like everything else you call 'home away from home,' it is a big money pit! But you don't have to fix it to perfection...just enough to use it to have a good time.

  4. I know what you have gone through regarding painting. I have just come out of a 2
    month fallow period-in other words very little work done. I danced around the edges
    but recently I just figured that enough was enough. I am back at the easel. Perhaps
    finding some new and different objects to use in your still life painting could be
    a way to re-spark your painting? You are a still an artist and a very good one .
    Not having a camper I really do not know what to say except for good luck. Maybe
    though you could do a cost benefit analysis to see if it worth continuing on the
