Tuesday, December 27, 2016

"Once Upon the Time"

Click here for purchase info

This painting project has been a hard one. I have applied a major effort to keep myself painting. I must admit that there is a tremendously powerful force around me, pushing me away from what I like to do, or what I believe is right.  The world around me is keeping on make fun of me, and has pressed me to a corner.  I am trying to fight, but feel lonely and exhausted. I don't know this world any more, but I feel I know myself better. Trying to be normal, to be fit in the main stream, that is my problem. "Walk your own way, ignore what other people say". Easy to say, but difficult to do.  I will do it anyway, stubbornly.


  1. Qiang,
    I think this latest painting is one of your best and worth the struggles that you encountered in the painting process. You're a very talented artist and a wonderful individual. Don't let the world get you down. My God was doubted and ridiculed but his presence is still vibrant. I look forward to studying again with you very soon.

  2. Hello Qiang,
    Your paintings are beautiful. Please keep painting! I love receiving your regular emails, and I love seeing how you handle difficult subjects. This dramatic, poignant painting of a barn ruin is beautiful.

  3. May your stubbornness serve you well. Remain true to your own understanding and soar in spite of the critics. You are an awesome painter. Many of my friends have studied with you and they have been inspired and grown in leaps and bounds. You are changing the world, one day at a time. Be encouraged! Love from another who feels the pressure too! Vie Dunn-Harr

  4. Qiang... I also want to encourage you. There are many painters out there, but few who have forged a new path and a unique style. You produce pictures that inspire people, no matter what genre you choose. Please know that you are unique, and many love your work and want to emulate you. Please hang in there. Being a trailblazer is not easy for anybody... See you in Tucson. Linda

  5. Qiang, you are my idol.
    You work so hard day-in and day-out.
    People get jealous of your success, your talent and the beauty you create. They are few but loud.
    The balance in the world is upset and you are one of the rare people that makes a positive difference. As my mama always said, "Remember, this too shall pass. Chin up and smile, and do what you love to do best."
    Thank-you for sharing with the people who love you for your good spirit and what you do so remarkably.

    Susan Sprigg
