Monday, May 12, 2014

"Demo at Lindale 2014 2" --- Sold

This is the second demo. I really like the small block with the letter "T". This is another piece of antique I got on the road.

I know nowadays I might have shown you too many demo paintings, and I probably teach way too many workshops. I hope you don't get bored by seeing my demo after demo. This is my life now. I have no complain about it. I am not free from the control of the almighty money, but I do enjoy my limited freedom. I am sneakily improve my art. You may have seen progresses of my art in my recent demos in comparison with my older ones. Life is not ideal, but I will grow steadily.


  1. I can never get enough of your demo paintings! To me, they define your style. We all need to experiment and grow, but I love your 'demo style' pictures much more than your new high key pictures. Don't make excuses for pursuing workshops. Teaching is part of your skill set. You have students all over the world who love your techniques and art! And if it brings in income to support your family, you have found a way to use your talents to produce beauty and joy in addition to income! Don't apologize, enjoy the ride. Linda (Tucson)

  2. I love the "T" block too, it really stood out to me. Always enjoy seeing the demos. Keep mixing them up, different subjects...there is always room to grow! ;}
