Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Bright Texas Light"

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I am glad the tax time is over. I have been glued on Turbo Tax solidly for about a week and categorized every dollar I have spent. I really want to thank Tricia Butler for guiding me through the whole process. I can't believe I have dealt with more than five thousand transactions and money went in, out, and between among more than 18 financial accounts. I know all of you have to deal with the same thing and I have no place to brag how much I have achieved in the field of accounting. You know I rather spend more time painting, but without know the art of living, I don't think I can survive.

I have to step on the brakes for my high key experiment now. Very soon, I will travel again. I did this 9x12 today, partially as a demo to my Austin mentor group. After the class, I have added more stuff in the setup. So far I can't say I like high key better than my usual low key approach, but this experiment is not bad. However, it is definitely incomplete. My understanding about color is still very fuzzy. I will continue for sure when I get another chance in the future.


  1. I like the high key better, so we all have varied tastes. This study is looser and quieter with fewer objects too.... You are so good!

  2. I can only WISH I had your understanding of color. Your paintings are awesome. The Easter painting looks like one could reach in and get those juicy candies to eat. I can almost taste them. And your April 7 Blue Purple and Red....that red looks absolutely LIQUID. Would you tell me if you use bristle or synthetic brushes? Thanks.
