Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Pink Rose Study 10" --- Sold

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After many experiences in life and diligent spiritual pursuits, Ms. Rose has reached her maturity. Although her physical body is no longer as sound as before, but with recent hip replacement, she stands straighter, with her lasik surgery, she can see better than her teenager time. However the most important, she has understood life better. Her time spend on the Earth is just a small (but significant) ripple of the universal eternity. Her body is simply the extension of everything around. And her mind (Oops, I lost my word). MAY ALL THE BEINGS ENJOY THE REAL PEACE, REAL HARMONY, AND REAL HAPPINESS. (The last sentence is not mine.)

This maybe my last painting of my pink rose study. I have a pile of workshop teaching coming soon, I need to be warm up for that. For this painting, I paid more attention on the color subtlety. Instead of too much alizarin or permanent rose, I have used much more naples yellow, venetian red, and cad green pale. I also want to comment on my model. I bought a pink rose from the local grocery store about 10 days ago. I was so amazed how long she has last. All the ten rose paintings I did were all from this one rose. She posed all the stages of the life of a rose. Even now she is still pretty strong. No single petal has fell off. I had experiences that I had roses for my workshops, some of them could not last even through my two hours demo. In comparison, this rose I am having is really a miracle. I will see if I have more time, I would love to do two more paintings from her poses.


  1. These rose paintings are beautiful!!

  2. Loved the rose study! Totally! So ... steps to success? Lots and lots of value changes ... Simple brush strokes ... No overworking ... ??? Why am I struggling?
