Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Demo in Austin 4" --- Sold

My Austin workshop has four days. I did this landscape (or cityscape) on the last day. It is from a photo I took in China. I feel my landscape still need lots of work. There are still many things in this genre I don't know. But it was fun doing this in front of a group artists. I am learning and teaching at the same time.

I have arrived at Scottsdale AZ today. Starting tomorrow I will teach a workshop at the Scottsdale Artist School (SAS). This is a very well known art school. I feel honored to teach here.


  1. The many shades of gray are wonderful. The perspective reminds us how important it is to get this right.

  2. Beautiful painting--and so very dimensional. I love the play between the solidity of the structures and the ephemeral nature of the reflections. It is so wonderful to hear that you are teaching at the Scottsdale Artist School! Quite an honor, yet I am not at all surprised! Congratulations, Qiang!

  3. Super painting. Have fun in Arizona. Eat a chimichanga, they are different there. :)

  4. I'm curious years later what you have learned and would change? I can't see anything in this painting that I would change. I like it a lot.
