Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Demo at Landgrove 2013 3"

For every workshop, I must painting some flowers. So this is my third demo at Landgrove Vermont. In addition, I really enjoyed painting the silver kettle in this one too.

Now the workshop is over. I want thank all the artists for coming and learning. I really enjoyed meeting  all of you and hope to see you again in the future.

Yesterday was a relaxing day for me. So I decided to take a walk. Vermont is a very quiet place. The entire population of Landgrove is just a little more than 100 people. I was walking on the dirt road and enjoying the nature around me. I didn't see anybody around, except the spirits who had passed before my grandfather was born (I passed two very old cemeteries, I didn't see any ghosts but imagined). Well, I thought I was the only alive soul on the winding dirt road, but a car is approaching me and stopped right in front me. A gentle man came out of the car and said to me: "You must be Chong Wong." I was stunned with surprise. It turned out he was one of the artists from New Hampshire who took my workshop at Putney a few months ago. He was plein air painting in this beautiful Vermont country.  Wow! the world is so vast, and so small as well.


  1. This one is a definite WOW painting! Love it!!!

  2. Beautiful! Full of life and energy.

  3. Beautiful colors. Love the reflections.

  4. I absolutely love the colors! I think this is my all time favorite of yours. Is it sold?

  5. This painting is definitely a crowd pleaser. Love the way the flowers pop and beautiful job on the teapot.
    Love your walking story too!
