Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Back to School" --- Sold

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Today is a very special day to our family. Our son Jonathan has started his college life. Song and I know that we will be empty nesters, but we didn't realize it comes so soon. Jonathan is only 16. He has enrolled into a special high school program called "TAMS" (Texas Academy of Science and Mathematics) run by the University of Northern Texas. Although he is still a high school student, but all the courses he will take will be college level offered by university professors. We drove 4 hours to Denton, TX, and got him moved in. Our baby boy now has left home. It is a very special kind of feeling in my heart. I still remember the day I left my parents. My father removed his watch and gave it to me. I suddenly realized that I was no longer a kid any more. At that time, watches were expensive and they were only for adults. I left home, and moved far far away. I hope Jonathan will come home more often, no matter where he goes.

My today's painting is from a photo I took in San Francisco last July. A group of young AAU students were waiting for the school bus to come. I hope some of the AAU folks can see this image. They will relate to the scene immediately. It happens every morning of a regular school days. I remember I was so concentrated taking pictures. After I got the one I felt satisfied, I suddenly found out, the bus I supposed to take had long gone.


  1. Such a momento moment. A child going away to college. But I guaranteed you they will come back and move back in. My sons did.

    Your works have been inspired especially since you paint from photos. But still the works reflect a feeling of being there live.

  2. Congratulations on your Son being accepted to a great program at the
    University of North Texas.

  3. Exactly the subject matter for me. Thank you so much for this current focus. Gorgeous passages of color. Marvelous 3D effects. The kind of painting I get my nose up to when the docents aren't looking!

  4. Hi Qiang.
    It's back to school again for our own kids as well next week. Some of them are getting nervous already. They had a really great summer holiday though, with excellent weather and lots of play with their friends from next door.
    I hope your son had a nice holiday too.

    What I like in your paintings is the abstract quality of each stroke when looking up close, but the very believable realistic look from a distance. Something I strive for in my own paintings as well. Just not getting there with the abstract qualities yet. Would you be able to find the time to check out my blog and add some critique, Qiang? I would be honored. The link is

    Thanks in advance for considering, and please forgive my bluntness.

    Kind regards,
    Johan Derycke

  5. I have been studying your lighting posts and order a few of your filters. I am trying to get set with three halogen lighting set ups: 1.still life; 2. palette; 3. canvas. What shape and wattage of blub do you use? Are there any desk style lamps that you know of that hold the recommended blub? If not I assume you recommend a flood light and a tripod? Any place we can get this stuff that has good prices. Thanks so much.
