Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Photo: Goodbye Beijing"

I have spent more than two months in China. Tomorrow I will be on my way back to the United States. It has been a very significant trip. I've learned a lot and accomplished a lot. The photo was shot yesterday at the Tian-An-Men (Gate of the Heavenly Peace). There were and will be many historical events happening here. Nowadays, China is a super capitalistic country. However, only at the Tian-An-Men square. I still feel nostalgic of the Red China days. The history is so dramatic and the time is so ironic. Now I am leaving China. My very dynamic 2013 in the America will begin. Goodbye Beijing!


  1. Thanks Qiang for sharing your trip with us. It has been a pleasure to journey with you and gain an insight into Chinese culture and society through your thoughts and your paintings. Best wishes for a busy and fulfilling year ahead back in America.
