Thursday, December 20, 2012

"On a Beijing Street 3"

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I have been back to China for about a week. I did not go anywhere since my father needs attention all the time. We have a living-in maid to take care him and other chores, but she happen to be off for a while to take care of her own family issues. My father has lost the control of his body. He does everything in bed now. Being sick for a long time, he became very very skinny. I can see his skeleton very clearly. All I have learned from human anatomy study has demonstrated vividly right in front of me. Lying there with pain and all kinds of problems, my father now is the best teacher showing me about life. I feel sad, shocked, and frustrated. Human suffering is inevitable. No matter how rich and famous we are, we never can escape from aging, sickness, and death. The colorlessness of my recent paintings did show my current feeling. On the other hand, my father has also shown me that the time is very very short. I will just like my father or even worse in the future not long from now. I better not wast any minutes I have now. Our maid is coming back soon. I hope our life will get a little better then.


  1. Love and best wishes to you and your father

  2. First of all greetings from Catalonia. I wish to state that his father better than they can. I know this, because I've also found my father and I know what this represents.
    I'm a fan of his art and even I copied some of his still life works because I'm a big fan of retired oil painting, but especially in acquarel Allah. This week I will participate in my first group exhibition for local artists.

    Thank you for your work.

    Best regards! and enthusiastic.

    Escala (Catalonia)

    PS: sorry for my english

  3. I'm so sorry for your father, bat this is the true life.
    TV advertisements, show us only the "happy families", and they wash
    our mind, thinking that is the normal life. Have all my moral support ( my father has parkinson and my mother had dementia, orrible life for them but also for me). Somebody say to me that is the same thing to take care of babies, but is not so. Parents take care of children looking for their future. We take care of our old parents looking the coming death,and this is not really the same thing. Be patient whit him and enjoy the last moment you spend whit him.
    Ciao from Venice - Italy

  4. I'm so sorry that you are facing this difficult time in your family's life. I hope that you can find comfort in sharing precious moments together and sharing fond memories of all the times you've had together. The painting is so good. It conveys all that you have described about your current feelings. You have painted what is inside you with this little building, and even if I didn't read your words here, I would feel that same emotion from the way you painted it. It's wonderful work!

  5. At this special moment, you have to think everything positively--at least you have the ability and get chance to take care of your father at his last moment, he can 'feel' your love surround him everyday! Take care of your mother too, she probably needs the most release from this painful time. Best Wishes to you and family!

  6. A painful but precious time for your family. Your parents are fortunate in that they have you to comfort and care for them. Your paintings are lovely and heartfelt as always.

  7. This painting is strong and exquisite with emotions, and reflects your family experience right now. My best thoughts go out to you.
    Your father can be proud of the life that you are leading.

  8. I am praying for you and your family, for strength and comfort as you go through some very hard stuff. My heart goes out to all of you. I am sure your father is glad to have you near right now, and like Judy said above, he can be proud of the man you are.

  9. My thoughts and prayers go out to you at this time. It is very difficult to care for an aging parent who is ill. Thank God your father has you. It's time to just be with him. Words may be unspoken, but your presence will comfort him as well as you. These moments will serve as lasting memories in the days to come to bring you much peace that you have done the right thing. May the Lord bless you both and be with you.

  10. I'm so sorry to learn that your father is so ill, but I'm glad you're able to be by his side. You're paintings are wonderful. You share your life and artistic journey in such a generous way I feel touched and strengthened in my own life. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
