Sunday, July 8, 2012

"AAU Figure Painting Homework 1 (Day 5)"

This is the 5th day I have worked on this 24" x 36". I got pretty sick of it now. My hand and mind are all being tied up. The progress is so minimal. I don't think I can get everything I want from a single painting, so I am going to call it done. In general I felt OK with the proportion, anatomy, form, value, and unity. I have exhausted my energy to deal with edges, color, designs, and paint works. I am going to turn this painting in as my first homework. On Zhaoming's figure class, we only have two homework assignments. This one and the final project. Even though this painting made me working really hard, but I am very happy I have achieved this major milestone in my art career.

This morning I walked to the studio (I usually take school shuttle or Muni). I climbed the steep Jones Street. After I got on the top of hill and panting, I saw the beautiful scene of the Fisherman's Wharf and the ocean. Similarly in my art journey, AAU is one of the hilltops. Before I got there I saw it is my destination. The road ends there. But now, I am arrived at this hilltop. I see the road is keeping going and leads me to another destination. Here at AAU, my painting is very mediocre, I have met a few very talented young artists. I will introduce their work to you when I get a chance.


  1. I haven't seen any mediocre work from your AAU assignments. It has all looked beautiful and amazing to my eyes. I've been in awe of it all, and I've enjoyed seeing the progress as you have posted the stages of the paintings. Thanks for sharing them!

  2. I love how honest you are being about your struggles and also about the life lessons you are taking away from this challenge. Your work is wonderful, and I see improvement with each image you have posted during your studies. Also, if you are unsatisfied and can see where you want to improve, I think that means you will, otherwise you couldn't see the weaknesses. Instead you would think everything you do is perfect and would never grow, or continue on to the higher level. Thank you for being such an inspiration!

  3. The painting looks very good Qiang. I think you're at that stage where you think you aren't getting anywhere.. But then you're going to have breakthrough and you're going to see improvement.. I love you're art and you're an inspiration.. I hope to see you soon.. Omar

  4. I’m enjoying your post’s from the college Qiang, but don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re making great progress. As ‘Janncam’ notes, only you know how much you need to achieve, which is good. You’re still not satisfied with where you are but I don’t think this should ever change with our painting. The day we think we think we can learn no more, is the day we start going backwards. P.S. you’re work is far from mediocre, great stuff. Look forward to seeing more. All the best, Steve.

  5. Thank you for sharing insight into your thoughts. Your work is really excellent but, at the same time, it is good that you can see further down the road. That's what keeps us going... For a moment, take a look back and celebrate how far you've come, take a breath, then keep moving! Excellent work!

  6. Your art is elegant,
    your words lyrical,
    your journey admirable.

    elegant, adj.
    1. gracefully refined and dignified.
    3. graceful in form or movement:
    an elegant wave of the hand.
    4. gracefully concise and simple;
    admirably succinct. (scientific, technical,
    or mathematical theories, solutions, etc.)

    lyrical, adj.
    1. the character of a songlike outpouring of
    the poet's own thoughts and feelings, as
    distinguished from epic and dramatic poetry.
    2. characterized by or expressing spontaneous,
    direct feeling: lyric writing.

    admirable, adj.
    1. inspiring approval, reverence, or affection.
    2. excellent; first-rate.

    You are a fine painter and a fine poet...

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    The Journey Continues
    By Qiang-Huang

    This morning I walked to the studio.
    I usually take the school shuttle or Muni.
    I climbed the steep Jones Street.
    After I got on the top of hill, panting,
    I saw the beautiful scene
    of the Fisherman's Wharf and the ocean.

    Similarly is my art journey.
    The American Academy of Art University
    is one of the hilltops.
    Before I got there
    I saw it is my destination.
    The road ends there.

    But now,
    I have arrived at this hilltop.
    I see the road keeps going.
    It leads me to another destination.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Thank you for sharing your journey
    and your art...

  7. Your figure work at AAU is just wonderful! You are a very unassuming gentleman but I hope you do know how amazing your work really is. This figure is perfectly rendered with beautiful proportion and delicate, but strong line.
    Clearly AAU is a meaningful path on your artistic journey. Congratulations and thanks for sharing!
