Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Raven (Day 2)"

The second day of the painting, I have entered the modeling stage. I used the photos I took as references. This image is a partial shot of the painting. I have worked on the details of the face and the upper body. Color became more important. I have used the temperature difference to separate the light area of the figure (warm) from the light background (cool), because the value is almost the same. There are many lost edge opportunities, but I have not utilized them enough. I feel the hand needs some work, but I am not sure what is wrong. Is it too small? Is the shadow area too bright? Or maybe the gesture is too boring? Anyway please let me know. On the third day, I will work on her legs and feet, and maybe the drapery and her dress. Who knows where I will end up. Let's move along.


  1. Hand looks the right size. Shadow areas with their cool tones are fine. Looking forward to see what you do with the drapery in the dress.

  2. This is beautiful Qiang. I think the hand is shaped beautifully. You may find it more pleasing if the shadow is a darker value.

  3. Hi Qiang:

    Since you have asked for feedback...
    Your figures are beautiful!
    The hand looks good to me, just the right size. There are two other things I am wondering about: Is the back of her skull a bit too narrow? and is the curve of her arm behind the chair correct? It looks a little too circular to my eye. That's all. The colors are very fine.

  4. For beautful hands look up Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani by Leonardo Da Vinci. I think it is a Queston of jesture more than anatomy. By the way you paint the best feet in town!

  5. This is really beautiful! I think the hand is great, but since you asked ;) The hand and fore-arm seem too blue and cool to me.

  6. I think the hand is fine. However I agree that the cooler tones on the arm and hand disconnect it from the warmth of the rest of the body. Keep going!

  7. I agree with darkening the shadow of the hand- maybe arm too so it blends more with the dress and keeping the top of the hand light. Another idea- more back light under her right arm. Beautiful I love it!

  8. She's lovely. I always prefer paintings were not everything is 'complete'. I'd leave the hands as they are (and they are lovely) if you work on them more they will become as important as the mood or expression. (unless you want them to be the focal point). That's my two cents :-)

  9. Beautiful chromatics, brushwork. Love the ideas of lost edges - I understand this is were we add depth, 3D to painting. I think the fingers on her hand are too parallel - maybe this is what you are seeing.
